The book’s one-page “Contents in Brief” shows each Chapter Number of the book. Follow the thumb-tab (red) for the Chapter you want. For example, following the red thumb-tab 9 takes you to Chapter 9 “Major Tenant Leases”…

Each chapter begins with a left-hand page “OVERVIEW”, a short synopsis of each “Form” (proposal or LOI) in the chapter, followed by a brief description of how the particular Form is used.
Once you know the Form number you want to use, go to the Forms download where each digital form is listed by Form number (e.g., “Form 9-1” is Chapter 9, form #1) and edit.

Each Form has a line border with an attached Form Tab, in this example ”FORM 9-1”. For ease in maneuvering among Forms, each Form begins on a right-hand page. Each Form has an attached red tab so you can quickly maneuver between descriptive text and Form text and among the Forms. Each deal point in a Form is bolded, providing a handy checklist of all the deal points in a proposal or LOI.

The “Contents” page follows the same convention by showing all narrative pages in black with each Form page in a red box, making it simple to navigate to or among the Form(s) you want.

The book’s powerful 34-page Index was prepared by Mathew-Bender legal publisher’s top indexers. Use it to get to find an idea or novel approach. For example, “Rent-adjustments” in the Index refers you to 13 pages where you can select the language to copy and past into your LOI.