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Order Digital Forms

The following selected forms are available for purchase and immediate download as editable Word® files.

Form 3-1: Employment and Project Equity Participation Agreement for an Individual Forming and Managing a Local Development Division for a Major Out-of-State Developer 

Agreement in Letter Format from New Local Employee-Partner to Employing Multi-State Developer; easily editable to provide for a single-office employer

(17 pages)


Form 3-2: Letter of Resignation Confirming Agreement Terminating Employment and Settling Developer and Employee-Partner’s Accrued Project/Partnership Rights

Letter from Local Partner to Multi-State Developer—for use with Form 3-1

(7 pages)


Form 4-1: Comprehensive Letter Proposal to Purchase Shopping Center Site; Periodic Release of Funds to Seller during the Escrow Period

This letter contains "the works," including virtually every contingency you will ever need and the ones not required can be easily removed


(25 pages)


Form 4-2: Proposal to Option Shopping Center Site in Approved Master-Planned Community from Residential Land Developer Inexperienced in Shopping Center Development; Exhibit: "Preliminary Development Schedule"


(8 pages)


Form 5-1: Selected Amendments to Standard Long-Form Purchase Offer to Create a Letter of Intent to Enter into Site Ground Lease; Extensive Exhibit: “Summary of Ground Lease Terms”


(Use with Form 4-1; Replaces key in Form 4-1 to make it a Site Ground Lease Proposal)


(8 pages)


Form 5-4: Site Ground Lease Proposal to Landowner with Developer Disclosing Proposed Financial Partner and Major Tenants; Landowner Granted Participation in Subtenant Rental Increases and Option to Purchase Developer’s Improvements

(Exhibit Compares Financial Attributes of Developer’s Key Major Tenant Relative to Competition to Improve Likelihood of Landowner’s Selection of Developer over Potential Competing Developers) 

An illustrative "best and final" approach revealing key tenants, tenant "credit" analysis, and developer background to secure competitive development opportunity

(7 pages)


Form 5-5: Proposal to Enter into Option to Purchase or Ground Lease Major Site: A Defined Portion Is Developed Now and Balance of Property Is Optioned for Future Development (Developer’s Financial Partner Makes Land Loan Pending Entitlement and Closing to Accommodate Landowner)


Developer’s Financial Partner Makes Land Loan Pending Entitlement and Closing to Accommodate Landowner

(10 pages)


Form 6-1: Letter to Major Home Builder Proposing Continuing Venture Relationship and/or Sale of Home Builder’s Shopping Center Project Currently under Development


This letter proposes to purchase and develop this particular shopping center site and purchase or joint venture other retail sites within land developments undertaken by major homebuilder, an excellent way to expand a shopping center developer's development pipeline.

(2 pages)


Form 6-2: Letter Agreement, Escrow Assignment and Promissory Note Confirming Short-Term Option to Purchase Another Developer’s Purchase Escrow for a Shopping Center Site Still under Development

(12 pages)


Form 6-3: Short-Form Offer to Purchase the Shops and Pads Portion of an Entitled, Supermarket-Anchored Neighborhood Center before Groundbreaking

(3 pages)


Form 6-4: Proposal to an Anchor Retailer That Has Constructed an Initial "Free-Standing" Store and Limited Shops on a Portion of a Land Parcel Owned by the Retailer.

Developer Proposes to Purchase the Entire Parcel, Less the Land Area Attributable to the Anchor’s Retail Operations, Subject to Developer’s Ability to (i) Add a Second Anchor Tenant and (ii) Build Additional Shops and Pads, Consistent with Specified Amendments to an Existing, Approved Site Plan


(5 pages)


Form 8-1: Marketing Letter Agreement between Developer and Exclusive Leasing/Marketing Broker Providing Leasing and Parcel Sale Services for a Strip Shopping Center


(11 pages)


Form 9-1: Basic Major Tenant [Supermarket] Build-to-Suit Lease Letter of Intent; Landlord Constructs Tenant’s Building and On- and Off-Site Improvements


(18 pages)


Form 9-2: Supermarket Tenant Build-to-Suit Lease Letter of Intent; Tenant Builds Tenant’s Building; Landlord Constructs On- and Off-Site Improvements and Purchases Building after Tenant’s Completion


(21 pages)


Form 10-1: Letter of Intent with Major Tenant for Parcel Purchase within Proposed Center; Tenant to Pay Prorata On- and Off-Site Expense and Construct Tenant’s Building on Tenant’s Parcel


(23 pages)


Form 10-3: Letter Agreement Granting Major Tenant Right to Cancel Major Tenant Parcel Purchase Escrow If Developer Is Unable to Record Parcel Map or Commence Grading within Specified Time Periods


Developer May Cancel If On- and Off-Site Costs Exceed an Agreed Sum


(3 pages)


Form 11-1: General Letter of Intent to Enter into Space Lease in Shopping Center


LOI between developer and in-line "shop" tenant


(8 pages)


Form 12-1: Letter of Intent to Sell Proposed Outparcel to Fast-Food Chain for Chain’s Construction of Free-Standing Fast-Food Restaurant and Drive-Through


This proposal includes a detailed financial structure and clear demarcation of how all on- and off-site costs are allocated between the developer seller and the purchaser.


(9 pages)


Form 12-2: Letter of Intent to Create and Sell 1.5 Acre "Office" Site for Service Tenant Building and Parking behind Retail Core of Shopping Center


Development Approvals and Construction to Occur Concurrent with Shopping Center


(8 pages)


Form 13-1: Key Provisions Contained in a Typical Build-to-Suit Lease Proposal for a Free-Standing Restaurant in a Neighborhood Shopping Center

(9 pages)


Form 13-2: Letter of Intent with Major Theater Operator for Build-to-Suit Lease of Free-Standing Multi-plex Theater

Minimum Annual Rent Conditioned upon Negotiating (i) Acceptable Revisions to Community Shopping Center Site Plan and (ii) Land Area/Value Attributable to Tenant’s Use


(6 pages)


Form 14-1: Developer Letter of Intent to Major Oil Company for Ground Lease of Corner Service Station Pad to Be Developed Concurrent with Shopping Center

Includes (i) Allocation of On- and Off-Site Costs and Development Fees and (ii) REA Restrictions (Contains illustrative site plan showing the service station parcel and building envelope)


(9 pages)


Form 14-2: Letter of Intent with Bank to Ground Lease Free-Standing Bank Pad in Neighborhood Center

(9 pages)


Form 15-1: Letter of Intent to Enter into Joint Venture to Develop a Shopping Center

This comprehensive form covers the venture's capital structure, preferences, profit and loss sharing interests, additional and contingent capital contributions, distributions and reimbursement of developer's pre-development expenditures, fees and decision-making


(16 pages)


Form 16-1: Letter of Intent to Enter into Stock Purchase Agreement for 100% of Stock of Privately Held Operating Business

Cash Base Price at Closing Plus Incentive Price Payable in Installments Based upon Earnout Formula


(9 pages)


Form 17-1: Developer’s Right to Purchase Tenant’s Premises If Tenant Goes Dark or Elects to Sell or Lease

(1 page)


Form 17-5: Provision for Entry upon the Site and Indemnification

(1 page)


Form 17-6: Selected Seller Representations and Warranties for a Developer’s Site Purchase Agreement

(A very extensive list of representations and warranties benefiting developer.)


(4 pages)


Form 18-7: Tenant’s Limited Exclusive Merchandising Right

(A powerful form that will demonstrate how you can reach a compromise "exclusive" use right middle ground consistent with the interests of both parties)


(1 page)


Form 18-8: Radius Restriction (Favors Landlord)


(2 pages)


Form 18-9: "Reverse" Radius Restriction (Favors Tenant)


(2 pages)


Form 18-10: Selected Assignment and Subletting Clauses


(Covers a wide range of alternatives for this typically hotly-contested lease provision)


(9 pages)


Form 18-11: Landlord’s and/or Tenant’s Right to Terminate Lease If Gross Sales Target Not Met

(1 page)


Form 18-14: Tenant Option to Extend Lease Term

(Provides an array of possible articulated formulas to escalate rent)


(3 pages)


Form 18-15: Tenant Option to Purchase Premises

(Fixed price, fixed price adjusted by CPI, cash/installment payment and possible restriction making option to purchase exercisable solely by original tenant or while original tenant occupies the premises)


(1 page)


Form 18-20: Selected Representations and Warranties for Lease Transactions

(Includes an array of alternatives for both landlord and tenant)


(4 pages)


Appendix B-1: Long-Form Letter of Intent to Enter into Site Ground Lease

(Similar to Form 4-1, long-form fee purchase of shopping center site, but provides for ground leasing of shopping center site for development)


(18 pages)


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